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ANV Measurement Systems

Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

Contact: Jenny Krailing

Position: Sales & Marketing Coordinator

Beaufort Court

17 Roebuck Way

Milton Keynes

Buckinghamshire MK5 8HL


Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 642 846


Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

ANV’s UK-based laboratory offers, UKAS-accredited and traceable calibration for all major manufacturers’ sound and vibration instrumentation, including PPV meters, accelerometers and vibration calibrators. Our calibration team of experts are on hand for friendly advice and with competitive pricing and rapid turnaround you are guaranteed a second-to-none service. Multiple instrument discount and fixed pricing available. is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.

Top 10 Categories

Listed below are the Top 10
categories of test on the site
Just click on the category you
require to go immediately to
a list of companies that can
provide products and services.


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