To place an entry in this Directory or advertise :
Contact John Harvey, Sales Manager, Concorde Publishing Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7863 3077
email: John Harvey
Helical Technology Ltd
Test House
Contact: Steven Beesley
Position: Manager Helical Warton Technical Centre
Hillock Lane
Lancashire PR4 1TP
Telephone: +44 (0)1253 530754
Test House
HWTC - range of testing facilities suited to the automotive and general engineering test industries. Amongst the facilities, nine engine test cells (75kW-2.1MW), three engine cells linked with a semi-anechoic chamber, one 2WD chassis dynamometer in a semi-anechoic chamber, environmental testing chambers and vibration systems (6-35kN force), temperature and humidity controlled. An ISO 10844 certified noise strip is also available. is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.
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