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Thermotron Industries

Equipment Manufacturer

Contact: Kay Walshaw

Position: Applications Engineer

Newton House, Building 550

Winch Road, Kent Science Park


Kent ME9 8EF


Telephone: +44 (0)1795 436333

Fax: +44 (0)1795 436777


Equipment Manufacturer

Thermotron Industries is a world leader in the design, manufacture and supply of a complete range of environmental simulation systems. Products include temperature, humidity, altitude, corrosion and HALT+HASS test chambers in addition to a range of electromagnetic and repetitive shock shakers and combined systems. is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.

Top 10 Categories

Listed below are the Top 10
categories of test on the site
Just click on the category you
require to go immediately to
a list of companies that can
provide products and services.


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