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DM Calibration Limited

Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

Contact: Andy Jessavala

Position: Business Sales Manager

3 Iceni Court,

Icknield Way

Letchworth Garden City

Hertfordshire SG6 1TN


Telephone: +44 (0)1462 650620

Fax: +44 (0)1462 650622


Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

DM Systems Group is the UK's leader in commercial calibration, EMC, RF and specialist defence services. Resale Products include: power amplifiers, antennas, transient/burst/lightning generators, fibre optic communications, LISN's, CDN's and associated equipment. Also RF Safety Monitors for working at heights and close to Antennas/Masks to protect from EMF overexposure. DM Calibration offers Mechanical capabilities, Dimensional, Pressure, Torque, RF Calibration and Electrical covering DC to 40Ghz all major parameters and the full spectrum services for commercial and defence customers all over the UK. We calibrate equipment at our UKAS 17025 Accredited Laboratory, or at your own premises for on-site quick turnaround. is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.

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