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Rotronic Instruments (UK) Ltd.

Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

Contact: Chris Fox

Position: Sales and Marketing Manager

Crompton Fields

Crompton Way


Sussex RH10 9EE


Telephone: +44 (0)1293 571000

Fax: +44 (0)1293 571008


Test House / Equipment Manufacturer

Rotronic is a leading manufacturer of instrumentation for the precise measurement of Humidity, Dew point, Temperature, CO2 Indoor Air Quality and Differential Pressure and Airflow. The product range includes handhelds, various probe types, data loggers including the RMS continuous environmental monitoring system with data available anywhere, measurement transmitters with output signals and meteorological products and accessories. End user calibration devices include the HygroGen2 temperature and humidity generator. We have UKAS/ ISO 17025 accreditation for humidity, temperature and dew point laboratory calibration. Room and chamber mapping services are available. is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.

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