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CPT Services Ltd

Test House

Contact: Terry Seddon

Position: Director

40 Spring Vale


Hampshire PO8 9DB


Telephone: +44 (0) 2393 595683

Fax: +44 (0) 2392 355976


Test House

Established over 20 years ago CPT are an experienced independent cleanroom validation company. We carry out validation of all classes of cleanroom, clean air equipment and have engineers qualified in HTM-03 for specialised healthcare ventilation verification. All of our services are competitively priced and are able to work to your production schedule. Talk to our sales team for a free survey and site visit on 02392 595683 is produced by Concorde Publishing Ltd.

Top 10 Categories

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categories of test on the site
Just click on the category you
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a list of companies that can
provide products and services.


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